Our sponsors

EMS Service Providers

Over the past six years, we have collected, analysed and published parts of the European EMS Industry in 4ma. In particular, the EMS annual statistics, is an important benchmark and source of information for the EMS Industry. There is currently no EMS statistics in Europe that provide more participants and more accurate data.

Participants will receive the evaluation of the figures for the past calendar year six weeks after the end of the calendar year. This work and further market research and studies as well as promotion of the European EMS Industry will be financed by the EMS company through crowdfunding (sponsoring).

The sponsors thus ensure the further work of in4ma market research and in return receive further additional analyses with the sponsor package and are advertised as sponsors with their logos at regular intervals.

Below is the list of current sponsors. If you are looking for reliable, professional EMS service providers, we would be pleased if you include these companies in your enquiry:

Premium Sponsoren

Would you like to become a sponsor of in4ma market research?

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Service providers & suppliers for the EMS Industry

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